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Thankful for Healing

Jennifer Lynn Bell

Although I recovered years ago from a major bout with fibroid tumors, I think about the many health conditions that my friends, relatives, clients, and associates have dealt with and are still living with. Some of you may be reading this. I am thankful that you are able to. Many of you are walking miracles; overcoming almost fatal conditions. Some of you are managing your physical limitations on a daily basis, not allowing your disability to keep you from working, creating, and living your life as completely as possible.

Women are strong.

You are mentally STRONG; handling an alarming diagnosis, yet being determined to fight. Your SPIRITUAL fortitude has brought you through what could have been life-ending circumstances. Your ABILITY to handle pain (cause lord knows men can't handle the sting of a mosquito bite! Just kidding.) You PERSEVERE, doing what needs to be done for your family even when you have little strength of your own. You have SUFFERED SILENTLY through some situations for the sake of sparing others' worry.

I see you demonstrating what it means to carry on daily through dialysis, tons of medications, chemo, difficult pregnancies and child0birth, debilitating ailments, mental and emotional trauma; and doing whatever is required to bring you back to health. Some of you have posted what you have gone through on social media as a way to inspire others. I see you.

I just want to say thank you for being an inspiration and confirming that God is a healer and a comforter.

Yes, you all have had wonderful doctors, caretakers, family members and friends who have been there for you. Without those people in your life, I'm sure your healing and what you may still be dealing with would not be as easy to manage. But the miracles that only God can conduct are amazing!

I am grateful to witness how your faith has taken you all through your storm and is continuing to keep you healthy.

On this day after Thanksgiving Day, I want to say you Lord for your amazing healing power and thank you sisters for being such amazing women!

Your Body Rocks!

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